Follow these instructions for installing and setting up Oracle Business Intelligence Applications ( Oracle BI Applications ).
Regarding the hardware and performance requirements for Oracle BI Applications , refer to the Oracle BI Applications certification matrix on Oracle Technology Network.
For additional information about hardware requirements for Oracle Analytics Server and Oracle Data Integrator (ODI), see Oracle Fusion Middleware Supported System Configurations on Oracle Technology Network.
You must install certain components before you can install Oracle BI Applications .
Prior to installing an Oracle database, refer to the Oracle BI Applications certification matrix on Oracle Technology Network for the certified Oracle databases. While installing the database, ensure that you don’t select a container database.
If you're planning to use Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing (ATP), then you must also configure Oracle Autonomous Datawarehouse (ADW). On ATP, create the BI platform schema, ODI schema, and BI_COMP schema. Create rest of the schemas such as DW and SDS on ADW.
Use these instructions to install and configure Oracle BI Applications .
You must perform the following procedures in the order they are listed:
To install the recommended JDK version, refer to the Oracle BI Applications certification matrix on Oracle Technology Network.
Refer to the JDK installation document for detailed instructions.Ensure that you remove any other version of Java present in the system before installing JDK on your local machine and not in any NFS path.
You may set JAVA_HOME as the environment variable for further use. You may set JAVA_HOME as the environment variable for further use. Add $JAVA_HOME/bin in your PATH variable. You may use /usr/sbin/alternatives --config java to configure the recommended version as the default version of Java.
Oracle BI Applications requires Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure
* hard nofile 999999 * soft nofile 999999 * soft nproc 131072 * hard nproc 131072 * soft core unlimited * hard core unlimited
The nofile values represent the open file limit; the nproc values represent the number of processes limit.
fs.file-max = 26815744 cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max sudo vi /etc/pam.d/common-sessionInstall Oracle Analytics Server .
Refer to the Oracle BI Applications certification matrix in the in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Supported System Configurations page for the supported version of Oracle Analytics Server .
For Linux: $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -jar Oracle_Analytics_Server_Linux_version-no .jar For Windows: $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -jar Oracle_Analytics_Server_Windows_version-no .jar Where Oracle_Analytics_Server_Linux_version-no is the name of the Oracle Analytics Server jar file downloaded from edelivery.
You must run the repository creation utility (RCU) to create schemas for Oracle Analytics Server .
The RCU is available with the Oracle Fusion Middleware distribution files.Ensure that the password is the same for all Oracle Fusion Middleware schemas such as the MDS, BIPLATFORM, STB, OPSS, IAU, and WLS schemas. Not all special characters are allowed in the schema password. It can contain #, underscore but shouldn't contain $, parenthesis ( ), or @. A database service might enforce special characters, so use only underscore. The password you provide in RCU can't be changed by SQL commands.
To create the BI schema on Oracle ATP, see Create BI Schema on Oracle ATP Database.
To create the BI schema, perform the following steps.
You see a sequence of dialogs. Follow the instructions provided on each of the dialogs to create the required schema.
Caution: Don't use database SID while creating schemas; you must use only service name. Also, don't provide SID even in the connection string.
Note: When you select Oracle Business Intelligence Platform, the RCU auto-selects other components like Common Infrastructure Services, Oracle Platform Security Services, Audit services, and Metadata Services. Don't select the ODI_REPO schema. This is created by the Oracle BI Applications RCU and is suffixed as BIA_ODI_REPO.
When the schemas are created with no errors, you see the Completion Summary dialog.To create Oracle Business Intelligence schemas using the Oracle Business Intelligence RCU with a RAC database, see Creating BI Schemas Using RCU with a RAC Database.
Install Oracle Data Integrator using the Oracle Data Integrator installer.
Install Oracle BI Applications PS4 using the installer.
You see two jar files. Ensure your keep both the jar files in the same directory.[ENGINE] #DO NOT CHANGE THIS. Response File Version= [GENERIC] #provide oracle home location, where the product would be installed. ORACLE_HOME=/scratch/biapps/Oracle/Middleware/ORACLE_HOME
$ java -jar obia.12c.distribution- -silent -responseFile /tmp/biapps.resp
Note: Ensure that the responseFile parameter value is an absolute file path and not a relative path. Use a command for the jar file which doesn’t have 2 in the filename of the responseFile .
You must create and load the Oracle BI Applications schemas in the database using the Repository Creation Utility (RCU).
To create the BIApps schema on Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing (ATP), see Create BIApps Schema on Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing (ATP).
ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/bin/rcu -compInfoXMLLocation ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/rcu/config/ComponentInfo_biapps.xml -storageXMLLocation ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/rcu/config/Storage_biapps.xml
You see a sequence of dialogs. Follow the instructions provided on each dialog to create the required schema.
Caution: Don't use database SID while creating schemas; you must use only service name. Also, don't provide SID even in the connection string.
Note: If you see a warning message that the database version is more recent, then click Ignore .If you see a warning message stating that the version of the database is more recent then the clock, then ignore the message.
Description of the illustration 103-schemas-biapps-step7.gif
Note: Not all special characters are allowed in the schema password. It can contain number sign # or underscore _, but shouldn't contain dollar sign $, parenthesis ( ) , or at sign @.
For example, copy the dump location from the machine where you installed Oracle Fusion Middleware to the database host, if the dump location is different. If all the dump files are in the same location, then specify the same dump location three times. You need to provide only the /dump location; the file name isn't required.
Description of the illustration 103-schemas-biapps-step9.gif
Note: Oracle BI Applications has one schema to support all higher releases of Oracle Fusion Applications. For example, the FA_11 schema supports Oracle Fusion Applications releases 11 and higher.
When the schemas are created with no errors, you see the Completion Summary dialog.Run the repository creation utility (RCU) to create the BIApps schema on Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing (ATP).
Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing (ATP) database provides various services consumer groups. Oracle recommends to always use “TP” ATP service name while running RCU and configuring Oracle BI Applications .
BEGIN DBMS_CLOUD.GET_OBJECT( credential_name => '', object_uri => '/Dump_file_Name', directory_name => 'data_pump_dir'); END;
export TNS_ADMIN=/scratch/wallet
Where /scratch/wallet is the ATP wallet extract folder.
ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/bin/rcu -compInfoXMLLocation /scratch/user/installation/Middleware/Oracle_Home/oracle_common/rcu/config/ComponentInfo_biapps_adw.xml -storageXMLLocation /scratch/user/installation/Middleware/Oracle_Home/oracle_common/rcu/config/Storage_biapps.xml
Note: The name of the component info XML file must be ComponentInfo_biapps_adw.xml.
It might take some time to navigate to the next page.
Description of the illustration schema_adw_select_components.png
Oracle recommends that you ensure that the database password for all BIAPPS schema users doesn’t expire. Resetting the database password might lead to failure in the BIAPPS components operations.
ALTER USER Upgrade Opatch to the latest release on the ORACLE_HOME location where you installed Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure .
For example, java -jar path_to_opatch_generic.jar /opatch_generic.jar -silent oracle_home= ORACLE_HOME PATH
After the software-only install, you must apply patches on the ORACLE_HOME location where you installed Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure
All patches are available in the same place from where you downloaded the Oracle BI Applications software.
For example, setenv ORACLE_HOME/scratch/biapps/Middleware/ ORACLE_HOME Don't set it as /scratch/biapps/Middleware/Oracle_home/odi .
Use Configuration Assistant to configure Oracle Analytics Server .
Oracle recommends to follow About Oracle Analytics Server Installation.In Windows, make sure that the machine name doesn't include an underscore character (_). If you edit the machine name to remove the underscore character, reboot the machine before you run Configuration Assistant.
Note: In Windows, when you configure the Oracle Analytics Server domain, provide the ATP connect string in the format below. Use "\\" as the path separater.
For example, CONNECT_STRING=biaoas2023_tp?TNS_ADMIN=C:\\biapps\\instantclient_19_14\\network\\admin\\atp_wallet
After you configure Oracle Analytics Server , run the (linux) or datamodel.cmd (Windows) command.
./ listconnectionpool -SI Service Instance> -U WebLogic User> -S Host Name> -N BI Server Port> -V true
For example: ./ listconnectionpool -SI < biainstance >-U Post listconnectionpool REST with url: http://localhost:8003/bi-lcm/v1/si/biainstance/rpd/listconnectionpool < "Title":"List Connection Pools", "Conn-Pool-Info":[ < "uid":"c0000000-c929-1508-ac27-0ae4a1690000", "connPool":"DUMMY_CP", "parentName":"\"DUMMY\"", "user":"admin1", "password":"706F87F7847C7A8EFED6E3F0AB261ADE 7C2E35213306F12832914CBE7A9DD95561D771DED06484112B1FC6F27B6D0D58", "dataSource":"testDb", "appServerName":"AppServer1", "externalizedConnection":"" >], "Variables-In-Conn-Pool":[ ] >
The configuration script expects details about your environment. You must copy the ORACLE_HOME/bi/biapps/scripts/input.txt file to a location and edit the input.txt file to update the properties for your environment.
Based on your choices, you need to modify the properties in your input.txt file. Ensure that you don't delete or comment out any of the properties.
Ensure that you edit the input.txt file only in Linux using the Visual Editor (Vi Editor). Don't edit the file in the Windows machine and copy to Linux. Editing in Windows causes the configuration to fail. For Windows, use the file path separator as \\ or / . For example, biprov.oracle_home.dir=c:\\Oracle\\Middleware\\Oracle_Home or biprov.oracle_home.dir=c:/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home. All the paths in input.txt should use the same format.
There are other schemas, like BIACOMP, ODI_REPOSITORY, MDS, and STB. You need to fill similar sections for those schemas. After that, depending on which source you want to use, enable the appropriate SDS schemas. For example, if you're using Oracle Fusion source, then fill in the [FUSION11_SDS_DATABASE] section. For Oracle E Business Suite source, fill in [EBS122_SDS_DATABASE].
For Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing (ATP), add the database connection string in the following format:
For example in Windows, ODI_REPOSITORY_DATABASE_CONNECTION_STRING=biaatp_tp?TNS_ADMIN=C:\\biapps\\instantclient_19_14\\network\\admin\\atp_wallet
For example in Linux, ODI_REPOSITORY_DATABASE_CONNECTION_STRING=biaatp_tp?TNS_ADMIN=/scratch/instantclient_19_14/network/admin/atp_wallet
Use the same format for all the applicable schemas that you've created on ATP.
Use Java archive obia.config.jar to configure Oracle BI Applications .
If you want to configure Oracle BI Applications on Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse, see Configure Oracle BI Applications with Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse.
In Windows, to run the Java archive (obia.config.jar), launch the command prompt in Administrators Mode.
java –jar obia.config.jar /input.txt
Connect Oracle BI Applications to Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse to access the data warehouse schemas.
My Oracle Support provides detailed instructions for obtaining the latest patches, applying the patches, and provisioning. See My Oracle Support note Doc ID 2808444.1 for instructions and details of the patch set.
Update $ORACLE_HOME/bi/biapps/scripts/input.txt, along with the [GENERIC] and [DATABASE] sections, and update these parameters:
biprov.adw.env=If new configuration run with ADW, then TRUE Else FALSE> biprov.wallet.location=Unzipped ADW wallet location> adw.wallet.trustStorePassword=ADW wallet password> instant.client.location=Unzipped Instant client path> adw.admin.user=ADW admin user Ex: ADMIN> adw.admin.pwd=ADW admin password> adw.default.cred.user=Credential Name. Default text: BIAPPS_ADW_AUTO_CREDENTIAL.> adw.auth.token=Generate an Authentication Token. This token is required for importing dump from Object storage> REMAP_SCHEMA=BIAPPS_DW:ADW schema name for DW Ex: BIAPPS_DW:ADW_DW> DUMP_FILE=/obia.dmp Ex: default_credential:https://Server Name/p/77Eo_TV2rtL/n/biappsdev/b/BIAPPSD_BUCKET/o/obia.dmp>
Make sure that the ADW wallet extracted folder contains all the files such as cwallet.sso, tnsnames.ora, and sqlnet.ora.
In the [DATABASE] section, update the database connection string for all schemas in the following format:
DW_DATABASE_CONNECTION_STRING=ADW service name from tnsnames.ora>? TNS_ADMIN=ADW wallet extract folder>
Autonomous data warehouse provides various services consumer groups. Oracle recommends to always use “LOW” ADW service name while configuring Oracle BI Applications .
For example, DW_DATABASE_CONNECTION_STRING=biappsd3_low?TNS_ADMIN=/scratch/wallet
Also, update the required SDS schema details.
Use the following commands to run the configuration:
In Windows, to run the Java archive (obia.config.jar), launch the command prompt in Administrators Mode.
cd $ORACLE_HOME/bi/biapps/scripts/ java -jar obia.config.jar input.txt
Load translation data into the BIACOMP schema of Oracle BI Applications .
You must complete all the steps listed in Installing and Setting Up Oracle BI Applications without any errors prior to loading the translation data. thrice to load translations data into three tables using the following command:
sh For example:sh BIAPPS_BIACOMP welcome1 importcrpdmsgs.ctl /u01/logs c_rpd_msgs_delim.csv /scratch/db/DB_Home
sh BIAPPS_BIACOMP welcome1 rpd_translations/importcrpdmsgsrel.ctl /u01/logs c_rpd_msgs_rel_delim.csv /scratch/db/DB_Home
sh BIAPPS_BIACOMP welcome1 importcrpdmsgstl.ctl /u01/logs c_rpd_msgs_tl_delim.csv /scratch/db/DB_Home
/bin/sqlldr /@ data=\c_rpd_msgs_delim.csv control=\importcrpdmsgs.ctl log=c:\temp\crpdmsgs.log
/bin/sqlldr /@ data=\c_rpd_msgs_rel_delim.csv control=\importcrpdmsgsrel.ctl log=c:\temp\crpdmsgsrel.log
/bin/sqlldr /@ data=\c_rpd_msgs_tl_delim.csv control=\importcrpdmsgstl.ctl log=c:\temp\crpdmsgstl.log
Load translation data into the BIACOMP schema of Oracle BI Applications .
sh DB user name> DB password> atp_service_name> Control File> Log Directory> CSV File Location> Instant Client loc>
For example:
rpd translation unzip path>/rpd_translations/ DEV_BIACOMP DB password> biaatp_tp rpd translation unzip path>/rpd_translations/importcrpdmsgs.ctl /u01/biapps/log_msgs rpd translation unzip path>/rpd_translations/c_rpd_msgs_delim.csv /u01/biapps/instantclient_21_4
rpd translation unzip path>/rpd_translations/ DEV_BIACOMP DB password> biaatp_tp rpd translation unzip path>/rpd_translations/importcrpdmsgsrel.ctl /u01/biapps/log_msgs_rel rpd translation unzip path>/rpd_translations/c_rpd_msgs_rel_delim.csv /u01/biapps/instantclient_21_4
rpd translation unzip path>/rpd_translations/ DEV_BIACOMP DB password> biaatp_tp rpd translation unzip path>/rpd_translations/importcrpdmsgstl.ctl /u01/biapps/log_msgs_tl rpd translation unzip path>/rpd_translations/c_rpd_msgs_tl_delim.csv /u01/biapps/instantclient_21_4
DB_OH>/bin/sqlldr BIACOMP USER>/BIACOMP password>@atp_service_name> data=path of file>\c_rpd_msgs_delim.csv control=path of ctl>\importcrpdmsgs.ctl log=c:\temp\crpdmsgs.log
DB_OH>/bin/sqlldr BIACOMP USER>/BIACOMP password>@atp_service_name> data=path of file>\c_rpd_msgs_rel_delim.csv control=path of ctl>\importcrpdmsgsrel.ctl log=c:\temp\crpdmsgsrel.log
DB_OH>/bin/sqlldr BIACOMP USER>/BIACOMP password>@atp_service_name> data=path of file>\c_rpd_msgs_rel_delim.csv control=path of ctl>\importcrpdmsgsrel.ctl log=c:\temp\crpdmsgstl.log
Use Oracle Data Integrator Studio (ODI Studio) to manage and configure Oracle Data Integrator (ODI).
ODI Studio is installed as part of the standalone or enterprise option under the specified ORACLE_HOME directory. ODI Studio provides four graphical navigators for managing ODI artifacts: Designer, Operator, Topology, and Security. ODI Studio can also directly execute jobs on demand, and you can use it for development and testing.
Use these instructions to configure authentication.
Use these instructions to set the location of the JPS Config file.
AddVMOption AddVMOption
Use these instructions to start ODI Studio.
Use these instructions to create an ODI Repository Login and connect to the master repository using the newly created login in Oracle Data Integrator .
Administrator must regenerate the security files and redistribute the files to all instances of ODI Studio if there’s a change in the password of Oracle BI Applications administrator or any Oracle Data Integrator user.
ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin/ ORACLE_HOME/bi/biapps/scripts/ embedded --ADMIN_USER_NAME WebLogic Server Admin User> --DOMAIN_HOSTNAME Hostname> --DOMAIN_PORT WebLogic Port> --DOMAIN_HOME_PATH DOMAIN_HOME
The updated JPS configuration file and credential wallet are created in the DOMAIN_HOME/odi-client-config/embedded directory.
The odi.conf file is located in the ORACLE_HOME/odi/studio/bin directory. See Setting the JPS Config File Location.
If you're planning to use a real application cluster (RAC) database to configure Oracle BI Applications , then follow these additional steps.
The configuration flow is largely the same whether you're using a non-RAC database or a RAC database. The instructions to install Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure , Oracle Business Intelligence , creating Oracle Business Intelligence schemas, installing Oracle Data Integrator , and installing Oracle BI Applications are the same whether you're using a non-RAC database or a RAC database. For creating schemas using the Oracle Business Intelligence RCU when you've a RAC database, see Creating BI Schemas Using RCU with a RAC Database.
Oracle recommends that you use the SCAN URL for the RAC database. You can directly use the SCAN URL in the configuration.
Instead of using Oracle Weblogic’s embedded LDAP, you can use Oracle Internet Directory as an external LDAP for users.
Oracle BI Applications only supports Oracle Internet Directory.
If you want to configure Oracle BI Applications with Oracle Internet Directory, first configure Oracle BI Applications to use embedded LDAP, and then see the instructions in My Oracle Support Doc ID 2818769.1 to switch from embedded LDAP to Oracle Internet Directory.
You can configure Oracle BI Applications in high availability mode or horizontal scale-out mode. Two physical hosts support in domain and both installs have Oracle WebLogic Server running. The Oracle HTTP server is the load balancer.
You can perform steps 3 and 4 either manually or by using automated scripts.
Machine or host name longer than 32 characters isn't supported. Specify a shorter name.
Use these steps to configure high availability with automated scripts.
Use these steps to configure high availability manually.
For Oracle Analytics Server high availability steps, see About Scaling Oracle Analytics Server and for Oracle Data Integrator high availability steps, see the Oracle Support document "How To Create And Deploy a High Availability ODI 12c Java EE Agent to a Cluster on WebLogic Server" (Doc ID 1676176.1).
cd cp -R bidata /shared_mount/nfs_shared/bidata
Oracle_Home/oracle_common/common/bin/ -template=/refresh/home/oracle/nfs_shared/clone/demobi2.jar -domain=/../../Oracle_Home/user_projects/domains/bi -nodemanager_type=PerDomainNodeManager
Use these steps to configure high availability for ODI.
$ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin/ connect('', '', ':') edit() startEdit() cd('/') cmo.createServer("ODI_server2") cd('/Servers/' + "ODI_server2") cmo.setListenAddress() cmo.setListenPort() activate()
Bring down all components by executing and then connect to wlst in offline mode using:
$ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin/ readDomain() assign('Server', 'ODI_server2', 'Machine', ) assign('Server', 'ODI_server2', 'Cluster', ) cd('/Server/ODI_server2') set('ListenPort', int("")) updateDomain() closeDomain()
Use these steps to configure Oracle HTTP server (OHS) for high availability.
Install and configure the latest available supported version of Oracle HTTP Server on a separate machine. After installing and configuring OHS, configure the Oracle BI Applications URL in OHS.
#odi agent WebLogicCluster :,: SetHandler weblogic-handler # ODI Console WebLogicCluster :,: SetHandler weblogic-handler # analytics WebLogicCluster :,: SetHandler weblogic-handler # biacm WebLogicCluster :,: SetHandler weblogic-handler #bi-security-login WebLogicCluster :,: SetHandler weblogic-handler
cd /u02/installation/OHS/Oracle_Home/user_projects/domains/ohs_domain/bin ./ ohs1
Perform these steps after configuring Oracle BI Applications for high availability.
Follow these steps for a successful configuration while creating Oracle Analytics Server schemas with the Repository Creation Utility (RCU) with a RAC database.
You can configure Oracle BI Applications with SSL for secured connections.
See My Oracle Support note Doc ID 2943320.1 for instructions and details.
Use the following steps to uninstall Oracle BI Applications .
ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/bin/rcu –compInfoXMLLocation ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/rcu/config/ComponentInfo_biapps.xml –storageXMLLocation ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/rcu/config/Storage_biapps.xml
Ensure that you drop the schemas using the RCU; don't use any other SQL command.
For example, if your Domain home directory is /u01/biapps/Middleware/user_projects , then use the command
cd /u01/biapps/Middleware rm -rf user_projects
If there is another user_project directory within Oracle_home like /u01/biapps/Middleware/Oracle_Home/user_projects , then delete that using the following command:
cd /u01/biapps/Middleware/Oracle_Home rm -rf user_projects