How to Surrender BSNL Landline & Broadband connection

If you are searching for how to surrender BSNL Landline & Broadband connection online then you are at the right place. First of all, you should be aware that BSNL has no online facility for it but here you will know about the procedure. BSNL is a State own company i.e. it has a 100% share of the Govt of India and provides telecom services by following all norms of Govt of India. BSNL is struggling to compete with other private telecom service operators and the irony is that BSNL is providing telecom services by using old or obsolete technologies while private operators are moving to the latest technologies of 5G, IoT, M2M, NGN, etc.

How to Surrender BSNL Landline & Broadband connection

Landline and Broadband services provided by BSNL are excellent until it gets down due to any reasons. After a fault is generated in the landline or broadband line, it gets many days to restore due to poor service management of BSNL. Few customers wait for days because they love to get excellent services at affordable landline and broadband plans but after getting fed up with futile follow up they decide to surrender their landline or broadband services.

Here also, BSNL doesn’t provide proper guidance to its customer on how to surrender BSNL Landline online because there is no such online system. Customers need to go to BSNL office/ CSC and enquire there but still, they don’t get satisfactory guidance until they get in touch with the proper officials of BSNL.

How to Surrender BSNL Landline & Broadband connection

If you are really fed up with your BSNL landline or broadband services and want to disconnect your BSNL landline, you can follow the following steps.

  1. Approach the nearby BSNL CSC office. Don’t forget to carry a landline instrument with you.
  2. If you are surrendering a Broadband connection also then carry the modem/ CPE provided by BSNL
  3. Submit an application for disconnection/ surrender BSNL landline and pay all due amounts there at BSNL CSC on the spot.
  4. Deposit the landline instrument/ modem/ CPE in the BSNL office.
  5. Your landline/ broadband connection will be disconnected within two days.
  6. Now, wait for a refund of the security money that you deposited at the time of the new connection.

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